Board member profile - Luz Rivera-Kane and Michael Kane — Edgemont 2024

Here, we profile Luz Rivera-Kane and Michael Kane, a married couple who moved to Edgemont in 2005 and have been actively involved in the community since then—on their co-op’s board of directors, in the Edgemont PTA, and more.  Both Luz and Mike are members of the EIC’s Advisory Board.


When did you move to Edgemont? 

 We moved here in 2005.  We live in The Edgemont, a co-op on Central Avenue.  

Tell us about your family. 

We have two children attending EHS: Izabella, who is entering eleventh grade, and Kaitlyn, entering eighth grade.  

What have been your major Edgemont community involvements? 

Luz: I have been involved with the Edgemont PTA/PTSA since 2007.  I served as the co-president of the PTA (for Seely) from 2013-15.  I am now the Grade Parents Chair for the PTSA.  I was also the manager of our daughter Izabella’s Edgemont Travel Soccer team for two years. 

Mike: I have served on our co-op’s board of directors since 2006.  I also participated as an Edgemont rec coach for both of my daughters’ soccer, softball, and basketball teams, and was the coach for our daughter Kaitlyn’s Edgemont Travel Soccer team. 

Why do you support incorporating Edgemont into a village? 

Luz: Edgemont is a great community, filled with people who care about everyone—especially our children. We should have a say in our future, and becoming a village will enable us to do that. 

Mike: I support Edgemont becoming a village because I am all for self-governance.  It promotes and protects our interests.  I’d like to see a Village of Edgemont work on creating some more green space and some type of village/teen center.